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I don't have a dirty mind; I have a sexy imagination.


I have open availability currently - 12 - 24 hours notice required!



Hello Handsome ! 

My name is Melodie French, and I am an elite courtesan who provides discreet companionship to those who appreciate the finer things in life. I am also a model, your therapist, your entertainment, your date to special events or dinner, or even just your ear to listen to you after "one of those days" at work. I have the hands that soothe your tired, sore muscles and the lips that send shivers up your spine. I am your partner in crime, taking you to do some of my favorite things as well! We could go see some live music in an arena or even in a dive bar, or possibly attend an art gallery, as I personally love to draw and paint as well. The possibilities are endless, and the fact that I am a lefty guarantees a creative time together that will always be an unexpected adventure.

 I am reviewed on TER!!!

Solo TER ID: 248035

Doubles With Jamie Love: 248039

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